Leadership Services
Why pay a huge salary for another full-time C-suite executive, along with the costs of health insurance, PTO, other benefits and additional overhead that go along with that salary, when you can get all of the expertise you need, exactly when you need it for a FRACTION of the cost by hiring an Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)? Fractional leaders can work the way you need them to work. They can be as involved as you want them to be, supervise your internal staff or external contractors, and they can provide you with a unique perspective from an "outsider's" point of view while understanding the goals, limitations and challenges your company faces.

BD Strategic Planning
Outreach to the right targets, at the right time, through the right medium, program or event are all keys to a successful Business Development program. But for those strategies to result in an expansion of your client base and more business coming through your door, it is essential that your business development and marketing efforts compliment one another and the two departments work together as one. When coordinated through a well-thought- out and documented in a comprehensive strategic Business
Development Marketing Plan,
the dramatic results and return on investment speak for themselves.

Corporate Culture​​
Corporate Culture is the foundation of all successful businesses! When the people who work for you are happy, your clients are happy and ultimately you will be happy as your business grows. As we have all come to know, developing a positive work/life balance and understanding what employees are looking for impacts not only the recruitment of outstanding workers, but the retention of them. The Society of Resource Managers says the average new hire costs about $4,100 to bring on board. Let me help you build an authentic, innovative and energized environment for your team so you can entice the best people to your workforce and keep them.

Events & Conferences
From weekly office business meetings to annual conferences to milestone anniversary extravaganzas, each and every single Event or Conference with your company's stamp on it should be unique, memorable and meet your desired outcome with flair.

Leadership Training
I can teach your company's Future Leaders to become the strong networkers, incredible presenters, influential sales-people and great communicators you need them to be so they can continue to move your organization forward.

Resource Connectivity
Searching for the right company or expert to work with on a short term or project basis but don't know where to start? Or, do you need a subject matter expert's guidance to ensure you select the right candidate to head up your your company's internal bd/marketing team? We can do the research, conduct interviews, narrow down choices and create executive summaries that provide you with guidance and recommendations.